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empowerd tx interchain-accounts host generate-packet-data ​

Generates ICA packet data.

Synopsis ​

generate-packet-data accepts a message string and serializes it into packet data which is outputted to stdout. It can be used in conjunction with send-tx" which submits pre-built packet data containing messages to be executed on the host chain.

empowerd tx interchain-accounts host generate-packet-data [message] [flags]

Examples ​

empowerd tx interchain-accounts host generate-packet-data '{
    "amount": [
            "denom": "stake",
            "amount": "1000"
}' --memo memo

empowerd tx interchain-accounts host generate-packet-data '[{
    "amount": [
            "denom": "stake",
            "amount": "1000"
	"@type": "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate",
	"delegator_address": "cosmos15ccshhmp0gsx29qpqq6g4zmltnnvgmyu9ueuadh9y2nc5zj0szls5gtddz",
	"validator_address": "cosmosvaloper1qnk2n4nlkpw9xfqntladh74w6ujtulwnmxnh3k",
	"amount": {
		"denom": "stake",
		"amount": "1000"

Options ​

-h, --help          help for generate-packet-data
      --memo string   an optional memo to be included in the interchain account packet data