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What is EmpowerChain? ​

Introduction ​

Welcome to EmpowerChain! You've come to the right place if you're curious about EmpowerChain and its contribution to a more sustainable future. In this introductory guide, we'll break down the concept of EmpowerChain, explain its purpose, and explore its various applications.

What is EmpowerChain? ​

EmpowerChain is an innovative, tailored blockchain network designed to support the circular economy and promote equal opportunities for stakeholders in the global decentralized waste management ecosystem. EmpowerChain enables various parties to collaborate and create sustainable solutions for our planet's waste management challenges by providing a trustless and lock-in-free platform.

How does EmpowerChain work? ​

EmpowerChain works on providing tools and infrastructure needed for circular economy to work.

EmpowerChain consists of a series of interconnected applications and tools that incentivize and facilitate collaboration between stakeholders, such as waste collectors, manufacturers, and impact investors. Some of the initial and planned applications include:

  1. Tracking: Proof of existence – Ensuring the traceability of waste through the use of blockchain's immutability and cryptographic techniques called "hashing."
  2. Plastic Credits – Incentives for collection organizations, sorting facilities, and recyclers to efficiently collect and process waste materials.
  3. Collection incentive schemes – Establishing bespoke deposit systems for organizations or individuals to collect and recycle waste materials or products.
EmpowerChain in a Circular Economy
EmpowerChain at the center of a circular economy

The EmpowerChain Ecosystem ​

EmpowerChain is an open, decentralized platform designed for the circular economy, with Empower (the company) as one of its initial users. Empower has been working since 2018 to address the plastic waste problem and has created a Web 2.0 SaaS platform to tackle the circular economy issue. The company is committed to developing EmpowerChain as its core infrastructure technology and bringing together a global community of entrepreneurs and developers to use and grow the platform as a core infrastructure for the circular economy.

To sum up ​

EmpowerChain is a groundbreaking blockchain network that plays a vital role in supporting the circular economy and addressing the global waste management crisis. Providing a decentralized platform and various tools and incentives fosters collaboration and empowers stakeholders to create a more sustainable future.