empowerd tx ​
Transactions subcommands
empowerd tx [flags]
Options ​
-h, --help help for tx
- empowerd - EmpowerChain CLI
- empowerd tx authz - Authorization transactions subcommands
- empowerd tx aux-to-fee - Includes the aux signer data in the tx, broadcast the tx, and sends the tip amount to the broadcaster
- empowerd tx bank - Bank transaction subcommands
- empowerd tx broadcast - Broadcast transactions generated offline
- empowerd tx certificates - certificates transactions subcommands
- empowerd tx crisis - Crisis transactions subcommands
- empowerd tx decode - Decode a binary encoded transaction string
- empowerd tx distribution - Distribution transactions subcommands
- empowerd tx encode - Encode transactions generated offline
- empowerd tx evidence - Evidence transaction subcommands
- empowerd tx feegrant - Feegrant transactions subcommands
- empowerd tx gov - Governance transactions subcommands
- empowerd tx group - Group transaction subcommands
- empowerd tx ibc - IBC transaction subcommands
- empowerd tx ibc-fee - IBC relayer incentivization transaction subcommands
- empowerd tx ibc-transfer - IBC fungible token transfer transaction subcommands
- empowerd tx interchain-accounts - IBC interchain accounts transaction subcommands
- empowerd tx multi-sign - Generate multisig signatures for transactions generated offline
- empowerd tx multisign-batch - Assemble multisig transactions in batch from batch signatures
- empowerd tx plasticcredit - plasticcredit transactions subcommands
- empowerd tx proofofexistence - proofofexistence transactions subcommands
- empowerd tx sign - Sign a transaction generated offline
- empowerd tx sign-batch - Sign transaction batch files
- empowerd tx slashing - Slashing transaction subcommands
- empowerd tx staking - Staking transaction subcommands
- empowerd tx validate-signatures - validate transactions signatures
- empowerd tx vesting - Vesting transaction subcommands
- empowerd tx wasm - Wasm transaction subcommands